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Executive Coaching for CEOs and their Teams

Dr Hercules Kollias

MBBS BSc (Neuroscience, Psychology) (Hons)


I partner with CEOs who want to transform themselves from mere leaders into transcendent symbols of excellence others want to follow.


These leaders are looking for profound transformation. They are eager to uncover and conquer the unseen challenges and personal barriers holding them back from their fullest potential and influence. Through a tailored approach that respects the unique challenges each CEO faces, I show them how to use a unique proprietary, field-tested tool that removes psychological debris with meticulous surgical-grade precision so they can achieve a level of leadership mastery that not only meets but exceeds their aspirations, transforming their approach to leadership and life.


Common Challenges for CEOs

  1. Work-Life Balance: CEOs often struggle to find time for their personal lives because they're busy running their companies. This can lead to missing out on family events or not having enough downtime.
  2. Decision-Making Pressure: They have to make tough decisions that can affect the whole company and its employees, and this pressure can be really stressful.
  3. Constant Change: The business world changes fast, and CEOs need to keep up. They must be ready to adapt quickly, which can be difficult.
  4. High Expectations: Everyone expects CEOs to always succeed, which can be a lot of pressure. They're supposed to lead their company to success and ensure everyone's happiness with their work.
  5. Loneliness at the Top: Being a CEO can be lonely because there aren't many people they can talk to who understand what they're going through.
  6. Maintaining Company Culture: As leaders, CEOs set the tone for the company culture. It's their job to ensure that it stays positive and strong.
  7. Public Scrutiny: CEOs are often in the public eye, and others watch and judge everything they do. This can be tough to handle.

Impact of Chronic Stress and Other Issues

  • Chronic Stress: When CEOs are stressed all the time, it can lead to health problems like heart disease or anxiety. It can also make it harder for them to focus and make good decisions.
  • Illness: If a CEO gets sick, it can affect their ability to lead. They might have to take time off or be unable to work as well as usual.
  • Addictions: Sometimes, CEOs might turn to things like alcohol or drugs to deal with stress. However, these addictions can hurt their judgment and make it hard for them to lead effectively.
  • Habits: Even small habits, like not sleeping enough or eating poorly, can add up and affect a CEO's energy and health. This can make it challenging for them to do their best work.
Being a CEO is a big job with many challenges, both in work and in life. CEOs must care for themselves to stay healthy and lead their companies well.

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Benefits of Coaching for CEOs

Effective leadership coaching can have a multitude of positive effects on CEOs' performance and overall leadership abilities. Here are some specific outcomes that CEOs can expect to achieve from receiving excellent leadership coaching:
  1. Enhanced Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence:
    • Coaching can help CEOs gain a deeper understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, and leadership style, leading to improved self-awareness.
    • Through coaching, CEOs can also develop greater emotional intelligence, enabling them to better understand and manage their own emotions and those of others in the workplace.
  2. Improved Decision-Making and Problem-Solving:
    • Leadership coaching can assist CEOs in honing their decision-making and problem-solving skills.
    • By providing a neutral sounding board, coaches can help CEOs explore different perspectives and consider alternative approaches to complex challenges.
  3. Effective Communication and Interpersonal Skills:
    • Coaching can help CEOs refine their communication and interpersonal skills, allowing them to engage and motivate their teams more effectively.
    • CEOs can learn to adapt their communication styles to different audiences and foster a more inclusive and collaborative work environment.
  4. Strategic Vision and Goal Setting:
    • Coaching can support CEOs in clarifying their strategic vision and aligning organizational goals with their leadership approach.
    • Through coaching, CEOs can develop a clearer sense of purpose and direction, enabling them to set and communicate compelling goals for their teams.
  5. Conflict Resolution and Relationship Management:
    • Leadership coaching can equip CEOs with the tools to navigate conflicts and manage relationships within their teams and across the organization.
    • CEOs can learn to build trust, address interpersonal tensions, and foster a culture of open communication and mutual respect.
  6. Stress Management and Work-Life Balance:
    • Coaching can help CEOs manage stress, avoid burnout, and strike a healthier work-life balance.
    • By developing strategies for prioritization and delegation, CEOs can maintain their well-being while effectively leading their organizations.
  7. Accountability and Continuous Improvement:
    • Through coaching, CEOs can establish mechanisms for accountability and feedback, fostering a culture of continuous improvement within their leadership practices.
    • Coaching can help CEOs set and track progress toward personal and professional development goals.


Are You Ready for Coaching?

You spend enough time doing what you do. Don’t spend another second here unless you know it’s where you belong. Have a look at the list of ideas below. If any of them resonate with you, then you're in the right place. If there is something you'd like to explore, then click here to get in touch. It will be great to connect with you


Accept that where you are at this moment is the result of all the experiences you’ve had to this moment, and how you’ve interpreted and internalised those experiences. 
Suspect (or know for sure) that 'destiny' is shaped by deliberately choosing which experiences to internalise, and knowing exactly how to interpret them and use them to create a desired outcome.
Know that change is part of growth. But how does change really happen? You’ve seen how difficult it is, and yet, you’ve also seen examples where people took to it and allowed themselves to go with it, and you’ve wondered how that happened. Why does change work in one instance, and despite the best of intentions, fail miserably in other instances? You wonder, what’s the secret sauce? 
Understand that most company or organisational problems are really people problems in disguise
Accept that the success of your enterprise – that is, the fulfillment of your vision as a leader – depends directly on your ability to lead people in different contexts
Already know that leading people does not work with a ‘follow-me’ approach, but needs to be a ‘I’m-right-behind-you-I’ve-got-your-back’ approach, but you’re not 100% sure about how to actually do that, how to get others to buy into that truth, or what that looks like in real space and time, and you’re afraid it will take too much time and effort to implement. 
Suspect (or already know) that you cannot lead anyone until you can lead yourself. But, when you hear this your eyeballs roll to the back of your head, and you feel resistance inside. What does that really mean? Arghhh! But you are open and willing to getting the right guidance, if someone can actually answer that question to your satisfaction. 
Realise that you will always have to pay for anything with either time, or money. And, at different points along the path, it’ll be wiser to spend more of one than the other, and you want to know what that looks like for you for what you’re trying to achieve. 
Realise that being functional is not the same as being influential, and you want to find out how to be more of the latter. 
Realise that being successful is not the same as being significant, and you want to find out how to be more of the latter. 
Realise that being rich is not the same as being wealthy, and you want to find out how to be more of the latter, or even what that really means.
Understand that your leadership can never be truly appreciated by looking at you directly. Like the moon reflects the light of the sun, your leadership will be reflected by the people that shine because of you.
Effective leadership coaching can lead to a wide range of benefits for CEOs, including heightened self-awareness, improved decision-making, enhanced communication skills, strategic clarity, adept conflict resolution, better stress management, and a commitment to ongoing growth and improvement. By investing in leadership coaching, CEOs can not only enhance their individual performance but also drive positive organizational change and foster a more engaged and empowered workforce.
Interested in finding out more?
"Hercules coached me for just over 2 years, commencing at a time when I was at a career low which was manifesting itself in various ways in my personal and professional life. At a time when I was feeling vulnerable and needed to rebuild my confidence and self-belief, Hercules was both supportive and challenging. He validated where I was at but knew that wasn’t a helpful place for me to be for any length of time and called me on that. So, we worked together to set goals, he provided practical strategies to help me move forward and gain perspective, he pushed me out of my comfort zone just when I needed it and he held me accountable when it mattered. I was able to share challenges in a safe environment, without judgement, knowing that there’d be an insight or model or relatable analogy that would help me see this challenge in a different light. As each session progressed, I could feel myself better understanding and recognising my patterns and habits, some which served me well, many which didn’t, all the while regaining confidence in my ability to overcome these and again become the more balanced person, leader, friend, colleague that I wanted to be. I am incredibly grateful to have had this experience with someone who had the right amount of care and patience as they accompanied me on this journey, yet equally provided the dose of reality I needed to take myself less seriously, have a laugh along the way and come out the other side in a much better position than when I went in. Thank you Hercules!"   ~ Karen, Senior Executive, Brisbane

"Many leaders want to be passionate, and many things can ignite the flame of passion, and of desire. The desire to be popular, to be accomplished, to be praised, to have influence, to be recognised as authorities, to be “first”. This flame often burns so intensely that it can consume a person until there is nothing left but a bunch of excuses attempting to save face, preserve an ego, and justify much lost time, energy, and resources. There is one secret exception to this. The one thing that’s different on the inside of great leaders, even though from the outside they may look quite similar to the rest. When that flame of desire is sparked by humility and fanned with faith, with purpose, and with grit, it becomes an inferno that rises so high it can be seen by many from a far distance, and while it illuminates the path before you, it burns away all the elements of any story that has held you captive till that moment, and it continues to rage relentlessly, until all that’s left is the truth. In that final moment, when all is now quiet, you know you’ve arrived. Welcome to leadership."

From a speech on "Leadership" by Dr Hercules Kollias